That's my story,|just the way I lived it. The galaxy I am in|today doesn't|appear on any of|our navigation|charts. It's impossible|for me to calculate|my return|trajectory. I'll probably drift|in space for a very|long time... File: User: Object: Salary: Note: 4324XB35 TITAN SPACE LINES. Receipt of parcel at the | Spaceport (Station ASIA)|and transportation to|"TITAN TRAVEL AGENCY"|(Station AFRICA). 100 credits. 4324XB40 VITAL Corp. Escort a VIP to the |Research Center. The|VIP will wait for you|at the entry to|Restricted Area 2. You'll need to be armed as|the area may be dangerous. 300 credits. 4334KR42 TITAN TV. A model CY-BORG 2.1|duplicator has escaped.|We believe it may have had|outside assistance. Your mission is to find it| and ELIMINATE it before| the virus controlling its| bio-brain can multiply. You will be supplied with a|photograph of the individual.|Be careful,this machine is|dangerous. 400 credits. 433TX102 PRIORITY REQUESTS TITAN Senior Advisory Board The generator which supplies|"NEW WASHINGTON" is|encountering|serious problems. A maintenance check has| revealed that one of the| three boards on the main| computer has been altered. Your mission is to replace|this board. However,you will|only have one-and-a-half|minutes before the whole|installation self-destructs. The teleport on the level|below will take you directly|to the heart of the complex. 500 credits. 434TX103 New Washington City. The Restricted Area 3 has|been invaded tonight by a|colony of mutants. We fear|they will attack the|population. Your mission is to clean|up this zone. 600 credits. Hey, it's me! Hi Conrad. You must be|wondering how you recorded|this message without|remembering it. Good question, but it would|take too long to explain|and time is short, and if|you want to save your hide... You must contact your old| friend Ian in New| Washington. He'll explain it all there.|Good luck and watch your|back,because it's my life|you're playing with. Slowly, the rays from the|regenerator re-implant the|memories in Conrad's brain. The end-of-year thesis. Glasses which measure|molecular density. Individuals whose molecular|density is a thousand times|the norm. Aliens mixed in with the|population. My investigations have|attracted their attention. I'm no longer safe. I'm recording the hologram. Then I save the contents of|my memory and send it to Ian. The kidnapping... "I HAVE ERASED HIS MEMORY." Fog... A minute's rest. EVASION... OOOPS! A reunion. Brothers I congratulate you. Thanks to our knowledge,|the humans are now capable|of producing... ...the power which we need. Soon,millions of our brother|warriors will be teleported... and we will wipe out this|human vermin. Like thousands of others|before it,we will soon|dominate this|system. In a few hours our victory|will be... AAARGHHH!!! What is it???? A SPY... Throw the wretch|into the dungeons. We'll|interrogate him later. We have a winner! Allow me to|present Conrad. My dear Conrad,TITAN TRAVEL|is happy to award you this|superb journey to Earth. Some hours later, Conrad|boards the "Star Providence"|-destination: EARTH. 437th day... They made me work on a|terrible experiment.I'd|rather not talk about the|consequences, I was so|frightened by the prospects|revealed to me. 519th day... They want to destroy our|race! I must do something|to warn Earth! 683rd day... Today I introduced|a topic on molecular research|into the Titan computer.|I only hope that it will|attract someone's attention. 690th day... The master brain! That's who|commands them... Tomorrow|I'll try to find out where|it is. 720th day... Impossible to get to it.|The master brain is installed|inside the planet's core.|All communication channels|have been cut. 830th day... EUREKA! An auxiliary brain|controls the planet.|The master brain is asleep|for the moment. By destroying it the main|brain will have to reactivate|itself. It will open up its|communication lines,|allowing me to place an|atomic charge in the heart|of the planet. 900th day... I've constructed a bomb|powerful enough to set off a|chain reaction and|make this planet explode. I just have to find the|courage to put my plan|into operation... 1200th day I've decided to move tonight.|I'll have to borrow a|vessel from the hangar before|everything blows up. This is my final message.|May Heaven help me... Phillip Howard Clark. BY PROGRAMMING ART WORKING MUSIC SOUND FX STORY MAP DESIGN BENOIST ARON PHILIPPE CHASTEL PAUL CUISSET FREDERIC SAVOIR PATRICK DAHER THIERRY LEVASTRE DENIS MERCIER THIERRY PERREAU CHRISTIAN ROBERT FABRICE VISSEROT MISSION VALIDATED If you accept this mission| please insert your| work permit. MISSION COMPLETED. You earn 100 300 400 500 600 CREDITS.